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Registro 1 de 76 No Previous Record   Next Record
Número de sistema   000017540
Clasificación LC   M3.1.E25
Formato   Música impresa
ISBN   Link0852494637
Asiento principal   LinkEccles, John, d. 1735.
Título   LinkEight songs / by John Eccles ; edited by Michael Pilkington.
Título uniforme   LinkVocal music. Selections
Pie de Imprenta   London : Stainer & Bell ; New York : Galaxy Music Corp., c1978.
Descr. Física   32 p. ;  25 cm.
Nota General   Figured bass realized for piano.
Contenido   Contenido: Nature framed thee (The judgment of Paris)--So well Corinna likes the joy (The she-gallants, 1695)--Sylvia, how could you (The Spanish friar, 1695)--Ah, whither shall I fly (The princess of Persia)--The foolish maid (The married beau, 1694)--A nymph and a swain (Love for love)--I gently touched her hand.--If I hear Orinda swear (Love betrayed, 1703)
Materia-Bib. Congr.   LinkSongs with continuo.
  LinkIncidental music -- Excerpts -- Vocal scores with piano.
  LinkMasques with music -- Excerpts -- Vocal scores with piano.
Coautor Personal   LinkPilkington, Michael.
Acervo   Todos los ejemplares
Existencias   Music LibraryLibrary Info Colección General Mus 655.289.705  Existencias  Todos los ejemplares

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