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Sys. no.   000012782
Corp. Names   LinkPublic Library of New South Wales
S.F. Corp. Names   LinkSydney. Free Public Library
  LinkAustralian Subscription Library, Sydney
  LinkAustralian Library and Literary Institution, Sydney
Nonpublic Note   AACR 1 form: Public Library of New South Wales. The following headings for earlier names are valid AACR 2 headings: Australian Subscription Library; Australian Library and Literary Institution; Free Public Library of Sydney
  The Australian Subscription Library was founded in 1826. The name was changed in 1853 to Australian Library and Literary Institution; in 1869 to Free Public Library, Sydney; in 1895 to Public Library of New South Wales; in 1969 to Library of New South Wales; and in 1975 to State Library of New South Wales.
Source Data Found   Its Report, 1879-
Update Flag   Y
L.term   Library of New South Wales

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